Batch files are used to store DOS commands. Once you run the
batch file by double clicking on the file or via any other method such as using
command prompt, all the DOS commands are executed sequentially. Normally batch
files are mostly used to automate repetitive tasks. You can save your time by automating
repetitive tasks. This method is very useful for developers more than normal computer
Creating a batch file is not a complex task. You need to know only the DOS commands that
you are going to put into the batch file and the order of the commands.
Here you can see few of commonly used DOS commands.
- TITLE : Window name when bat file executes.
- PAUSE : Pause the execution of the bat file and wait until user press any key to continue
- CLS : Clear the DOS window
- MKDIR : Create a directory
- DIR : Move into a directory ( “DIR directory_path”) or view current directory (“DIR”)
- START : Execute a file using default application
- ECHO : Print something on the command prompt window
- ECHO OFF : Prevent showing the batch file commands on the command prompt
You can find a list of DOS commands by typing HELP in
command prompt
Let’s create few batch files.
After understood basics you can create complex batch files
by adding various commands. First you need to create a file with .bat extension or .cmd
Open notepad --> click save --> select all files -->
name it as test.bat or test.cmd --> save
Now you can insert below DOS commands into your file and
test them.
1. A program to create a directory
MKDIR Hello_WorldMKDIR “Hello World”
Insert above commands into your
test.cmd/test.bat file and save. Then execute these commands by double clicking
the on the file. Keep in mind to put double quotation marks if you use spaces
in a name.
Above commands will create two folders
called Hello_world and Hello World in the same directory where your batch file
2. Create a text file with a text string
MKDIR “text folder”CD "text folder"ECHO "This is the text string" > textFile.txt
This DOS command will create a folder named
text folder and create a file named textFile.txt and write a text string into
the file.
You can understand the basics of creating a batch file using
above examples. Once you got the basics you can create very complex files to
automate a process.
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